تست های پیش نیاز برای ورود به دانشگاهای انگلستان
Some universities and colleges require you to pass an admissions test as well as standard qualifications if you are applying for courses in certain subjects. The details for some of these tests are provided below Other admissions tests may be required which are not listed on this page
BioMedical Admissions Test - BMAT For entry to medicine and veterinary schools
English Literature Admissions Test - ELAT For entry to English courses at the University of Oxford
Graduate Medical School Admissions Test - GAMSAT For entry into medicine
History Aptitude Test - HAT For entry to modern history and joint honours degrees involving modern history at the University of Oxford
Health Professions Admissions Test - HPAT For entry to certain medical courses at the University of Ulster
The National Admissions Test for Law - LNAT For entry to law
Modern and Medieval Languages Test - MML For entry to modern and medieval languages at the University of Cambridge
Sixth Term Examination Papers - STEP For entry to mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Thinking Skills Assessment - TSA Cambridge For entry to computer science, natural sciences, engineering and economics at the University of Cambridge
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA Oxford), formerly known as the PPE Admissions Test For entry to the philosophy, politics and economics, and the economics and management courses at the University of Oxford
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) UCL For entry to European social and political studies at University College London - UCL
UK Clinical Aptitude Test - UKCAT For entry to medical and dental schools
جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در زمینه گذراندن تست های مورد نیاز بسته به رشته انتخابی خود در انگلستان فرم مشاوره تحصیلی را تکمیل نمائید.
