سه‌شنبه 22 اكتبر 2024 - 01 آبان 1403
صفحه اصلی اخبار مقالات آلبوم تصاویر درباره ما تماس با ما فرم مشاوره

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UCAS Timetable for 2012 applications

UCAS Timetable for 2012 applications

Timetable for 2012 applications

Mid -September 2011

Applications can be sent to us from mid-September.

 15October 2011

Deadline for receipt at UCAS of applications to Oxford or Cambridge, and all with choices for courses in medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine/science to reach UCAS.

 15January 2012

Deadline for receipt of applications at UCAS for all courses except those listed with a 15 October 2011 deadline and art and design courses with 24 March 2012 deadline. Go to Course Search to check application deadlines for courses.

 24February 2012

If you are eligible to use Extra, you can refer yourself to another choice. More about Extra

24March 2012

Deadline for the receipt of applications at UCAS for art and design courses except those listed with a 15 January 2012 deadline. Go to Course Search to check application deadlines for courses.

31March 2012

If we receive your application by 15 January, the universities and colleges should aim to have sent us their decisions by this date (but they can take longer).

9May 2012

If we receive all decisions from your universities/colleges by 31 March, you need to reply to any offers by this date (unless you live outside the EU or you are applying through Extra). If we don't receive your replies, we will decline your offers on your behalf.

10May 2012

If you applied by 15 January and are waiting for decisions, universities and colleges need to send us their decisions by this date. If they don't, we will make any outstanding choices unsuccessful on their behalf.

7June 2012

If we receive all decisions from your universities/colleges by 10 May, you need to reply to any offers by this date (unless you are applying through Extra). If we don't receive your replies, we will decline your offers on your behalf.

30June 2012

If you send your application to us by this date, we will send it to your chosen universities and colleges. If we receive your application after this date, you'll be entered into Clearing. More about Clearing

If we receive all decisions from your universities or colleges by 8 June 2012, you need to reply to any offers by this date (unless you are applying through Extra). If we don't receive your replies, we will decline the offers on your behalf.

4July 2012

This is the last date to apply through Extra.

19July 2012

If you applied by 30 June and are waiting for decisions, universities and colleges need to send us their decisions by this date. If they don't, we will make any outstanding choices unsuccessful on their behalf.

26July 2012

If we receive all decisions from your universities/colleges by 19 July, you need to reply to any offers by this date (this includes if you are applying through Extra). If we don't receive your replies, we will decline your offers on your behalf.

7August 2012

SQA results are published and the Scottish Clearing vacancy information service starts. More about Clearing

16August 2012

GCE and Advanced Diploma results are published and the full Clearing vacancy information service starts. More about Clearing

Adjustment opens for registration. More about Adjustment

31August 2012

Adjustment closes on this date.

20September 2012

This is the last date that we will accept applications for courses starting in 2012.

30September 2012

The Clearing vacancy search is closed after this date. You should contact universities direct to discuss vacancies. Clearing choices can still be added in Track.

22October 2012

This is the last date to add a Clearing choice and the last date a university or college can accept an application in Clearing. Any outstanding Clearing referrals will be rejected by default at 7pm .

تحصیل در انگلستان
دوره های زبان انگلیسی
دوره های کارشناسی در انگلستان
دوره های کارشناسی ارشد
دوره های دکترا در انگلستان
تحصیل در رشته پزشکی
تحصیل در رشته دندانپزشکی
پیش دانشگاهی در انگلستان
مدارس شبانه روزی در انگلستان
رشته های دانشگاهی آنلاین
آزمون و دوره های آیلتس
آزمون و دوره های تافل
بورسیه های تحصیلی در انگلستان
خرید کتاب و مقالات علمی
رزومه و روش تهیه آن
دانشگاهها و کالج های انگلستان
مطالب جدید تحصیل در انگلستان
MBA در انگلستان
زندگی در انگلستان
هزینه های زندگی در انگلستان
هزینه های تحصیلی در انگلستان
مسکن دانشجویی در انگلستان
کار در زمان تحصیل در انگلستان
رنکینگ دانشگاه های انگلستان
ویزای تحصیلی انگلستان
درباره انگلستان
درباره انگلستان
سیستم آموزشی در انگلستان
ارزشیابی‌ مدارك‌ تحصیلی‌ در انگلستان
آموزش شهروندی انگلستان
مشاوره تحصيلي در انگلستان
آموزش فني و حرفه اي در انگلستان
آموزش بزرگسالان در انگلستان
جاذبه های توریستی انگلستان
فرم مشاوره تحصیلی در انگلستان
اعطاي نمايندگي
بنرها و لوگوی سایت
UK Study Today در فیس بوک

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صفحه اصلی اخبار مقالات آلبوم تصاویر درباره ما تماس با ما فرم مشاوره
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