فهرست دانشگاه های انگلیسی مورد تایید وزارت علوم ایران
در اینجا به معرفی موسسات آموزش عالی انگلیسی که مورد تایید وزارت علوم ایران هستند میپردازیم:
الف) دانشگاهها و مراكز آموزش عالی انگلستان، گروه یك (ممتاز
1- University of Oxford
2- University of Cambridge
3- University of London
4- London School of Economics and Political Science
5- Imperial College of Science
6- University College London
8- University of Bath
9- University of Warwick
10- Lancaster University
11- University of York
12- University of Essex
13- University of Sussex
14- University of Edinburgh
15- University of Bristol
16- Cardiff University of Wales (University of Wales College of Medicine و University of Wales, Cardiff تلفیق دو دانشگاه )
17- University of St Andrews
18- Cranfield University
19- University of Durham
20- University of Sheffield
21- University of Southampton
22- Royal Holloway, University of London
23- Kings College London
24- University of Manchester
25- University of Birmingham
26- University of Leeds
27- Goldsmiths College
28- Royal Veterinary College
29- University of East Anglia
30- University of Surrey
31- University of Nottingham
32- Loughborough University
33- Birkbeck College
34- University of Reading
35- University of Glasgow
36- Heriot - Watt University
37- Aston University
38- University of Liverpool
39- University of Salford
40- Newcastle University
41- University of Stirling
42- University of Leicester
43- Queen Mary and Westfield College
44- University of Dundee
45- University of Strathclyde
46- University of Exeter
47- University of Wales, Swansea
48- The Queens University of Belfast
49- University of Bradford
50- University College of North Wales, Bangor
51- University of Kent at Canterbury
52- Keele University
53- Brunel University
54- University of Aberdeen
55- University of Ulster
56- University of Hull
57- University of Wales, Aberystwyth
58- City University
59- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of london
ب) دانشگاه و مراكز آموزش عالی انگلستان، گروه دو )خوب(
.مدارك اخذ شده(Ph.D. , Master , Bachelor , HND) از دانشگاههای گروه دو نیز ارزشیابی میشوند، اما توصیه میشود در دوره دكترا(Ph.D.) تنها در دانشگاههای گروه یك (ممتاز( ادامه تحصیل داده شود.
1- Sheffield Hallam University
2- University of Wales, Lampeter
3- University of Westminster
4- Nottingham Trent University
5- University of Greenwich
6- University of Hertfordshire
7- South Bank University
8- University of Portsmouth
9- University of Plymouth
10- Napier University
11- University of Brighton
12- Oxford Brookes University
13- University of the West of England, Bristol
14- Manchester Metropolitan University
15- University of Sunderland
16- Robert Gordon University
17- Liverpool John Moores University
18- University of Glamorgan
19- University of East London
20- London Metropolitan University (London Guildhall و North Londonاز ادغام دو دانشگاه )
21- Thames Valley University
22- Middlesex University
23- University of Northumbria at Newcastle
24- De Montfort University
25- Glasgow Caledonian University
26- University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
27- Leeds Metropolitan University
28- University of Central Lancashire
29- University of Huddersfield
30- Kingston University
31- Coventry University
32- Staffordshire University
33- University of Derby
34- University of Paisley
35- Anglia Ruskin University
36- University of Bolton
37- Bournemouth University
38- University of Abertay Dundee
39- Birmingham CityUniversity
40- University of Wolverhampton
41- University of Teesside
42- University of Bedfordshire
43- University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
44- University of Lincoln
45- University of the Arts London
