اصطلاحات مورد استفاده در UCAS
اصطلاحات مورد استفاده در UCAS . برای آشنائیان بیشتر متقاضیان تحصیل در انگلستان , در این بخش اصطلاحات مورد استفاده در سازمان یوکاس یا UCAS Terms آمده است.
UCAS Terms
Understand the commonly used words and phrases
Below is a list of commonly used words and phrases, together with a summary of their meanings
Apply: the online application system for applying for higher education courses
Adjustment: applicants who have met and exceeded the conditions of their firm choice are given an opportunity to look for an alternative place while holding their original confirmed place
Clearing: a system used towards the end of the academic cycle. If you have not secured a place, it enables you to apply for course vacancies
Conditional offer: an offer made by a university or college, whereby you must fulfil certain criteria before you can be accepted on the relevant course
Confirmation: when conditional offers that you have accepted become unconditional or are declined. Confirmation is dependent on your qualification/exam results
Entry Profiles: comprehensive information about individual courses and institutions, including statistics and entry requirements
Extra: the opportunity to apply for another course if you have used all five choices and not secured a place. Extra runs from the end of February until the end of June
Firm offer: the offer that you have accepted as your first choice
Institution: a university or college offering higher education courses
Insurance offer: the offer that you have accepted as your second choice, in case you do not meet the requirements for your firm offer
Invitation: an invitation from a university or college to attend for interview, audition, or provide a portfolio, essay, or other piece of work
Personal ID: a 10-digit individual number assigned to you when you register to use Apply. It is printed on every letter we send you and is displayed in the format 123-456-7890. You will be asked to provide this number if you contact our Customer Service Unit
Point of entry: your year of entry to the course, for example, 2 refers to the second year of the course
Scheme Code: used in conjunction with your Personal ID to uniquely identify your application
Track: a system where you can track the progress of your application online, reply to any offers received, and make certain amendments, for example, change of address or email
Unconditional offer: an offer given to you by a university or college if you have satisfied the criteria and can attend the course
Unistats: a website for students who want to research and compare subjects and universities before deciding where to apply. You can also look at student satisfaction ratings and explore the figures about getting a graduate job after completing a course
Unsuccessful: you have not been accepted by the university or college concerned
Withdrawal: either you or a university/college cancels a choice before a decision has been made - a reason will be included if the withdrawal was issued by an institution
yougo: yougo is a student-only networking site, where you can meet people doing your course or going to your university or college before you start. You can also access university and college profile pages and contact UCAS advisers online
Source : UCAS
جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در زمینه تحصیل در مقاطع مختلف در انگلستان فرم مشاوره تحصیلی را تکمیل نمائید.
