Tier 1 visa – Highly Skilled Migrant
The first tier of the points based UK immigration service directly replaces the existing Highly Skilled Migrant Programme or HSMP and is designed for UK visa applications from candidates who can bring desirable professional skills, qualifications and experience to the United Kingdom
Applying for the first tier visa service is an applicant led process and works on a similar premise to the Highly Skilled Migrant Program as it removes the need to apply for a UK work permit visa and affords successful candidates the right to immigrate to the UK with full and free access to the employment market. Holders of tier visas at this level are permitted to live and work in the UK, seek and undertake employment, set up a business or become self employed as they see fit.
Tier 1 consists of the following five categories
Tier 1 General visa: for highly skilled migrants seeking employment in the UK, self employed immigrants or immigrants setting up a business
Tier 1 Investor visa: designed for those investing large sums of money in the UK
Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa: ideal for those setting up or taking over the running of businesses
Tier 1 Post-study visa: if you are studying now or have studied in the past in the UK this route is suitable for you
As a specialist UK immigration consultancy, we can offer a full UK visa service to cater for all tiers of the new system. Our immigration consultants can help you to determine which of the new UK visas is most appropriate for your relocation to the UK and can assist you at every stage from immigration lawyer advice on your initial application through to providing a comprehensive package of on arrival services to help you adjust to living and working in the Uk
Start your Tier 1 Assessment Now
Like the HSMP immigration service it replaced, the Tier 1 visa immigration service does not require candidates to be in possession of UK work permits in order to enter the UK
Candidates may apply for themselves and will be assessed against a points system based upon a number of criteria. In addition, along with Tier 2 visas, the first tier provides a route to settlement and unlike Tier 3 visas, Tier 4 visas and Tier 5 visas, the option to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) or permanent residency in the UK is provided
Points Based Assessment
As with the HSMP system, the required number of points to qualify for a Tier 1 visa is 75. The new points based system is designed to allow non-EEA nationals who will contribute the most to the economy to emigrate to the UK.
Candidates under 28 years = 20 points
Candidates aged 28 or 29 years = 10 points
Candidates aged 30 or 31 = 5 points
Candidates ages 32 and over = 0 points
Candidates with a MBA = 75 points
Candidates with a PHD = 50 points
Candidates with a Masters Degree = 35 points
Candidates with a Bachelors Degree = 30 points
(Points can be scored for vocational and professional qualifications if they are at least equivalent to one of the academic levels shown, but only if they can be verified)
Previous earnings
(Figures will be weighted to take account of the country in which they were earned to determine a United Kingdom equivalent value
40,000 + = 45 points
35,000-39,999 = 40 points
32,000-34,999 = 35 points
29,000-31,999 = 30 points
26,000-28,999 = 25 points
23,000-25,999 = 20 points
20,000-22,999 = 15 points
18,000-19,999 = 10 points
16,000-17,999 = 5 points
The points based system is designed to allow a wider variety of candidates to reach the threshold based upon performance in the different areas of assessment
Whilst an older candidate may lose points in terms of age, the balance may be recouped through points amassed for their previous earnings
Alternatively, a younger candidate without an established career may not yet command high earnings but may be able to reach the threshold based upon qualifications and age
The new system aims, like similar models in Australia and Canada to allow migrants and employers to benefit from a system which considers potential earnings rather than past earnings alone
In addition to the points system outlined above, candidates will also be required to be proficient in the English Language
Under the new system, spouse immigration and dependant immigration visas will be provided allowing an applicant to bring their husband, wife, civil partner or unmarried partner to join them in Britain. Provisions for family immigration under the new system will function in a similar manner to a UK Dependency Visa. However, the existing marriage visa, unmarried partner visa and fiance visa services will persist outside the tier system
